상품 상세 정보
상품명 Quick Look Series in Veterinary Medicine: Hematology
소비자가 67,500원
판매가 67,500원
적립금 1,300원 (2%)
저자 Susan M.Cotter
상품코드 P0000CBN
출판사 Teton NewMedia
발행일 2001
페이지 146pp Softcover
상품 옵션

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QLS Hematology 
Table of Contents

1. Components of Blood
2. Hematopoiesis

Section I: Red Blood Cells
3. Production and Differentiation
4. Reticulocytes
5. Structure and Metabolism
6. Hemoglobin and Oxygen Transport
7. Destruction of Red Cells
8. Evaluation of Erythrocytes
9. Anemia
10. Acute Blood Loss
11. Iron Metabolism
12. Iron Deficiency Anemia
13. Hemolytic Anemia
14. Immune-mediated Hemolysis 
15. Blood Group Antigens and Transfusions 
16. Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn 
17. Red Blood Cell Substitutes 
18. Oxidative Injury to Red Cells 
19. Infections Causing Hemolysis 
20. Other Causes of Hemolysis 
21. Nonregenerative Anemia 
22. Anemia of Chronic Disease/Anemia of Inflammatory Disease
23. Anemia Secondary to Renal or Endocrine Disease 
24. Folate and Cobalamin Deficiencies 
25. Infectious Causes of Nonregenerative Anemia 
26. Drugs, Toxins, and Metabolic Causes of Nonregenerative Anemia
27. Bone Marrow Failure 
28. Polycythemia 

Section II: White Blood Cells
29. Evaluation 
30. Granulopoiesis (Neutrophil Production) 
31. Neutrophil Structure and Function 
32. Patterns of Change in Neutrophil Numbers 
33. Monocytes and Macrophages 
34. Eosinophils 
35. Basophils and Mast Cells 
36. Lymphocytes 
37. Patterns of Change in Lymphocyte Numbers 
38. Lymph Nodes 
39. Thymus 
40. Spleen 

Section III: Platelets and Coagulation
41. Endothelial Cells 
42. Platelets 
43. Coagulation 
44. Natural Anticoagulant Systems 
45. Laboratory Evaluation of Hemostasis 
46. Evaluation of the Bleeding Patient 
47. Quantitative Platelet Disorders 
48. Qualitative (Functional) Platelet Disorders 
49. Inherited Clotting Factor Disorders 
50. Acquired Coagulation Disorders 
51. Thrombosis

Section IV: Neoplasia
52. Hematopoietic Malignancy 
53. Lymphoma 
54. Acute Leukemia 
55. Chronic Leukemia 
56. Plasma Cell Neoplasms 
57. Other Hematopoietic Malignancies 
58. Reference Values for Various Species 
Questions and Answers 