상품 상세 정보
상품명 Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine
소비자가 77,000원
판매가 77,000원
적립금 3,800원 (5%)
저자 Alexander Gough
상품코드 P0000CKS
출판사 Blackwell
발행일 2007
페이지 480 pages, 85 illustrations.
상품 옵션

임상에서 흔히 부딪히게 되는 상황에서의 감별진단에 큰 도움이 될 것으로 생각되는 Blackwell의 신간입니다.

저자 Alex Gough는 이미 출간되어 유용하게 쓰이고 있으며 Blackwell의 bestseller 목록에 꼭 들어가는 Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats의 저자입니다.

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Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine

By: Alexander Gough


Veterinary practitioners and students are presented with many different and complex cases, and are expected to offer an accurate diagnosis quickly. The differential diagnosis list is one of the most important aspects of the problem-oriented approach to clinical diagnosis. Finding good lists in a readily available form can be difficult, and can involve laborious reference to multiple texts and sources. Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine brings this information together in one place in an easy reference format.

  • A rapid reference that concentrates solely on differential diagnosis lists of major problems in small animal medicine;
  • Details differential diagnoses from diverse findings such as history, physical examination, diagnostic imaging and laboratory test results;
  • Includes radiographs, ultrasounds, selected diagnostic algorithms colour pictures and suggestions for further testing
  • Saves time spent searching multiple texts and sources, by bringing the information together in one place in an easy reference format.

    Table of Contents

    Part I: Historical signs:
    1.1 General, systemic and metabolic historical signs
    1.2 Gastro-intestinal/abdominal historical signs
    1.3 Cardio-respiratory historical signs
    1.4 Dermatological historical signs
    1.5 Neurological historical signs
    1.6 Ocular historical signs
    1.7 Musculoskeletal historical signs
    1.8 Reproductive historical signs
    1.9 Urological historical signs
    Part II: Physical signs:
    2.1 General/miscellaneous physical signs
    2.2 Gastro-intestinal/abdominal physical signs
    2.3 Cardiorespiratory physical signs
    2.4 Dermatological signs
    2.5 Neurological signs
    2.6 Ocular signs
    2.6 (vii) Abnormal appearance of anterior chamber
    2.7 Musculo-skeletal signs
    2.8 Uro-genital physical signs
    Part III: Radiographic and ultrasonographic signs:
    3.1 Thoracic radiography
    3.2 Abdominal radiography
    3.3 Skeletal radiography
    3.4 Radiography of the head and neck
    3.5 Radiography of the spine
    3.6 Thoracic ultrasonography
    3.7 Abdominal ultrasonography
    3.8 Ultrasonography of other regions
    Part IV: Laboratory findings:
    4.1 Biochemical findings
    4.2 Haematological findings
    4.3 Electrolyte and blood gas findings
    4.4 Urinalysis findings
    4.5 Cytological findings
    4.5 (i) Tracheal/Bronchoalveolar lavage
    4.6 Hormones/endocrine testing
    4.7 Faecal analysis findings
    PART V: Electrodiagnostic testing:
    5.1 ECG findings
    5.2 Electromyographic findings
    5.3 Nerve conduction velocity findings
    5.4 Electroencephalography findings
    PART VI: Diagnostic procedures:
    6.1 FNA
    6.2 Broncho-alveolar lavage
    6.3 Gastro-intestinal endoscopic biopsy
    6.4 ECG procedure
    6.5 MRI brain, spine, nose
    6.6 Ultrasound guided biopsy
    6.7 CSF collection
    6.8 Bone marrow aspiration/biopsy
    6.9 Thoracocentesis
    6.10 Pericardiocentesis
    6.11 Cystocentesis
    6.12 Abdominocentesis/ Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
    6.13 Central venous measurement
    6.14 ACTH stimulation test
    6.15 Low dose dexamethasone supression test/high dose dexamethasone suppression test
    6.16 Bile acid stimulation test
    6.17 In saline autoagglutination test
    6.18 Preparation of a blood smear
    6.19 Water deprivation test
    6.20 Serial blood glucose curve
    6.21 Indirect blood pressure measurement by Doppler technique
    6.22 Skin scraping
    6.23 Schirmer tear test
    6.24 Nasal flush cytology/nasal biopsy
    6.25 Barium meal/swallow
    6.26 Intravenous urography
    6.27 Contrast cystography pneumo, double, vagino-urethro
    6.28 Myelography
    6.29 Contrast echocardiography
    6.30 Cranial nerve examination
    6.31 Buccal mucosal bleeding time
    6.32 Arterial blood sampling
    PART VII: Diagnostic Algorithms
    7.1 Bradycardia
    7.2 Tachycardia
    7.3 Hypoalbuminaemia
    7.4 Non-regenerative anaemia
    7.5 Regenerative anaemia
    7.6 Jaundice
    7.7 Hypokalaemia
    7.8 Hyperkalaemia
    7.9 Hypocalcaemia
    7.10 Hypercalcaemia
    7.11 Systemic hypertension
    Appendix A: History Record
    Appendix B Physical Examination Record
    Appendix C Neurological Examination Chart
    Appendix D Cardiology Consultation Form
    Bibliography and further reading


    About the Author

    Alex Gough is a partner in a referral and first opinion practice in Bristol, UK, where he sees referrals in small animal medicine and cardiology. He is the author of Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats, also published by Blackwell Publishing, and is a frequent contributor to UK Vet and the Veterinary Times.