상품 상세 정보
상품명 Bsava Manual of Canine And Feline Thoracic Imaging (2008)
소비자가 162,000원
판매가 162,000원
적립금 3,200원 (2%)
저자 Tobias Schwarz, Victoria Johnson
상품코드 P0000CNL
발행일 2008.6
페이지 408pp
상품 옵션

※ 본 미니리뷰는 농경애니텍에 그 저작권이 귀속됩니다.


 BSAVA시리즈의 최신판인 Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging입니다.

다른 시리즈와 달리 상당히 분량이 많은 것이 특징입니다.


초반부에는 X-ray, 초음파, CT, MRI, 그리고 nuclear medicine(Nuclear Scintigraphy)에 대한 기본적인 내용이 각각의 독립적인 챕터로 다루어지고 있읍니다.

또한 Respiratory Interventional Radiology의 기본적인 내용에 대한 챕터도 독립적으로 준비되어 있읍니다.(다음 링크를 누르시면 샘플페이지를 보실 수 있읍니다)



챕터6 이후의 내용은 아래 목차를 참조하십시요.

(현재 출판사의 홈페이지에 업데이트가 되지 않아 농경애니텍의 실 서적으로 작성합니다 / 약간의 오타가 있을 수 있읍니다)

1. Basics of Thoracic Radiography and Radiology

2. Basics of Thoracic Ultrasonography

3. Basics of Thoracic Computed Tomography

4. Basics of Thoracic Magnetic Resonance Imaging

5. Basics of Thoracic Nuclear Medicine

6. Basics of Respiratory Interventional Radiology

7. The Heart and Major Vessels

8. The Mediastinum

9. The Oesophagus

10. The Trachea

11. The Bronchial Tree

12. The Lung Parenchyma

13. The Pleural Space

14. The Thoracic Boundaries


Appendices :

    1. M-mode Echocardiography Reference Values for Cats

    2. M-mode Echocardiography Reference Values for Dogs

    3. Conversion Tables

    4. Differential Diagnoses for Thoracic Mineralization


BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging

This manual is the second in the diagnostic imaging series. It begins by providing the reader with a grounding in the various imaging modalities: radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The second section is devoted to the individual body systems and includes chapters dedicated to the heart and major vessels, the oesophagus, the mediastinum and the lung parenchyma.

  • Radiographic anatomy and variations
  • Interpretive principles
  • Diseases and imaging findings
  • Introduction to radiography and radiology
  • Extensively illustrated throughout

Basics of thoracic radiography and radiology; Basics of thoracic ultrasonography; Basics of thoracic computed tomography; Basics of thoracic magnetic resonance imaging; Basics of thoracic nuclear medicine; Basics of respiratory interventional radiology; The heart and major vessels; The mediastinum; The oesophagus; The trachea; The bronchial tree; The lung parenchyma; The pleural space; The thoracic boundaries; Appendices; Index.


Elizabeth Baines; Peter Chapman; Joanna Dukes-McEwan; Mairi Frame; Lorrie Gaschen; Kerstin Hansson; Nicolette Hayward; Victoria Johnson; Alison King; Nola Lester; Francisco Llabrés-Díaz; Wilfried Maï; Panagiotis Mantis; Fraser McConnell; Federica Morandi; Robert O’Brien; Audrey Petite; Yael Porat-Mosenco; Heike Rudorf; Jimmy Saunders; Tobias Schwarz; Peter Scrivani; Gabriela Seiler; Olivier Taeymans; Emma Tobin; Wenke M. Wagner; Chick Weisse; Allison Zwingenberger.

Published April 2008
408 pages
ISBN 978 0 905214 97 9