상품 상세 정보
상품명 BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Reproduction and Neonatology 2E(2011)
소비자가 132,000원
판매가 132,000원
적립금 3,900원 (3%)
상품코드 P0000CTH
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BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline
Reproduction and Neonatology, 2nd Edition
Gary England (Editor), Angelika von Heimendahl (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-905319-19-0
240 pages
February 2011

Reproduction and neonatology are important aspects of general veterinary practice, with a large number of consultations being undertaken by veterinary surgeons both for the prevention of breeding and for optimizing reproductive performance and neonatal survival. There has been substantial development in the field since the first edition of the BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Reproduction and Neonatology was published in 1998, and this is reflected in the second edition. The Manual provides a practical approach to reproduction and neonatology, with the chapters divided into five main sections:

Contributors: Eva Axnér (Sweden), Margret Casal (USA), Autumn Davidson (USA), Gary England (UK), Wenche Farstad (Norway), Alain Fontbonne (France), Catharinar Linde-Forsberg (Sweden), Angelika von Heimendahl (UK), Michelle Kitzler (USA), Xavier Levy (France), Cheryl Lopate (USA), Cecilia Luvoni (Italy), Josep Marti (Spain), Stephano Romagnoli (Italy), Hasan Sontas (Italy), Daniele Zambelli (Italy),

목차 :

  1. Physiology and endocrinology of the female;
  2. Physiology and endocrinology of the male;
  3. Prevention of breeding in the female;
  4. Prevention of breeding in the male;
  5. Determining breeding status;
  6. Clinical approach to the infertile bitch;
  7. Clinical approach to the infertile queen;
  8. Clinical approach to the infertile male;
  9. Artificial insemination in dogs;
  10. Pregnancy diagnosis, normal pregnancy and parturition in the bitch;
  11. Pregnancy diagnosis, normal pregnancy and parturition in the queen;
  12. Clinical approach to unwanted mating and pregnancy termination; 
  13. Clinical approach to abnormal parturition;
  14. Problems during and after parturition;
  15. Care of the neonate;
  16. Clinical approach to neonatal conditions;
  17. Clinical approach to mammary gland disease;
  18. Clinical approach to conditions of the non-pregnant and neutered bitch;
  19. Clinical approach to conditions of the non-pregnant and neutered queen;
  20. Clinical approach to conditions of the male;
  21. Clinical relevance of biotechnological advances;
  22. Index