상품 상세 정보
상품명 BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Oncology, 3rd Edition (2011)
소비자가 155,000원
판매가 155,000원
적립금 4,600원 (3%)
저자 Duncan Lascelles
상품코드 P0000CTP
발행일 2011
페이지 376
상품 옵션

※ 농경애니텍에서 제공하는 모든 미니리뷰는 농경애니텍의 사적인 의견이 다분하며 저작권이 농경애니텍에 귀속됩니다.  본 리뷰뿐 아니라 상세설명을 허락없이 무단으로 옮기는 것은 사양합니다


임상가들에게 많은 도움이 되는 BSAVA시리즈의 종양학 개정판이 발간되었읍니다.

본서는 이전판에서 수록되었던 내용들이 전부 새로이 개정되었으며 가장 최신의 진단, 검사, 치료기법 뿐 아니라 앞으로의 발전방향에 대한 정보도 함께 수록하고 있읍니다.


종양치료, 종양환자의 유지 및 Quality of Life에 필수적인 Pain management에 대해서도 무게를 싣고 있으며 한정된 지면에도 불구하고 종양치료의 시점과 종양외과의 원칙 등에 대해서도 빠짐없이 다루고 있읍니다.


BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Oncology, 3rd Edition
Duncan Lascelles (Editor), Jane Dobson (Editor)
ISBN: 9781905319213
376 pages
March 2011


BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Oncology (P00102)

3rd edition

Edited by: Jane Dobson and Duncan Lascelles

Building on the success of previous editions, the Editors have sought to marry the best of the old with the new. All chapters have been updated, or rewritten, by international experts to encompass the important advances made over the last several years, while keeping the text practical and user-friendly.

The principles of diagnostics and clinical staging and of the main therapeutic modalities are outlined. Individual tumour types in the body systems of dogs and cats are then described, using a common approach to aid information retrieval on aetiology and pathogenesis, presentation and clinical signs (including staging/grading of tumours), management, and prognosis. A wealth of new photographs has been included to illustrate the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of a range of tumours. The growing importance of ethical considerations and palliative care are also recognized, and exciting developments and treatment possibilities explored.


 목차 안내

Introduction: cancer in cats and dogs;
How to make a diagnosis;
Clinical staging and the TNM classification;
Paraneoplastic syndromes;
When to treat animals with cancer;
Principles of oncological surgery;
Principles of chemotherapy;
Principles of radiation therapy;
Therapies of the future;
Principles of nutrition for the cancer patient;
Relief of chronic cancer pain;
Tumours of skin and subcutaneous tissues;
Tumours of the skeletal system;
Soft tissue sarcomas;
Oral tumours;
Tumours of the salivary glands;
Tumours of the oesophagus;
Tumours of the stomach;
Tumours of the small intestines;
Tumours of the colon and rectum;
Tumours of the perianal region;
Tumours of the liver;
Tumours of the exocrine pancreas;
Tumours of the mammary glands;
Tumours of the urogenital system;
Tumours of the respiratory system and thoracic cavity;
Tumours of the haemopoietic system;
Tumours of the spleen;
Endocrine tumours;
Tumours of the nervous system;
Ocular tumours;


저자 안내

Nicholas J. Bacon, USA; Laura Blackwood, UK; Jonathan Bray, New Zealand; Malcolm J. Brearley, UK; William S. Dernell, USA; Jane M. Dobson, UK; David Gould, UK; Stuart C. Helfand, USA; Kieri Jermyn, USA; Susan E. Lana, USA; B. Duncan X. Lascelles, USA; Christopher L. Mariani, USA; Richard Mellanby, UK; Reto Neiger, Germany; Amy F. Pruitt, USA; Bernard E. Rollin, USA; Korinn Saker, USA; Timothy J. Scase, UK; J. Catharine R. Scott-Moncrieff , USA; Donald E. Thrall, USA; Brian J. Trumpatori, USA; David M. Vail, USA; Henrik von Euler, Sweden; Richard A.S. White, UK; Robert N. White, UK.