상품 상세 정보
상품명 The Cat (2011)
소비자가 250,000원
판매가 230,000원
적립금 6,900원 (3%)
저자 Susan Little
상품코드 P0000CUZ
출판사 Saunders
발행일 2011.12
페이지 1424
상품 옵션
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 The Cat

  • Hardcover Reference
  • 1424 Pages
  • Trim Size: 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
  • Imprint: Saunders
  • ISBN: 9781437706604
  • Copyright: 2011


    Comprehensive in scope and exclusively devoted to feline medical care, Dr. Susan Little's The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management is an essential resource for anyone who provides complete, state-of-the-art care to cats. In one convenient volume, you'll find authoritative, clinically-focused information enhanced by full-color illustrations, tables, boxes, algorithms, key points, and much more - all in a format designed for quick access. Dr. Little and her expert contributors address the unique concerns and challenges facing the feline practitioner, including the latest advances in feline medical diagnosis and management and their clinical applications to everyday practice. User-friendly and complete, The Cat is also available as an e-book, giving you easy access to the complete, fully-searchable contents online.


    Key Features

    • Covers the latest advances in feline medicine from a systemic and adjunctive care perspective. It's the most comprehensive feline medical reference available with a strong clinical focus.

    • Helps you meet the increasing demand for state-of-the-art medical care by cat owners - including advanced diagnostic services and treatments designed to extend and improve quality of life for feline companions.

    • Features a full-color design with hundreds of schematic drawings, tables, boxes, key points, algorithms, and photographs for quick and easy access to information.

    • Addresses key topics unique to feline medicine and not currently covered in other books, including: insights and clinical advances attributable to the mapping of the feline genome; medical conditions associated with behavioral problems; managing the feline patient with co-existing and chronic disease; special medical problems and care considerations for the geriatric cat; environmental enrichment for the indoor cat; feline zoonotic agents and implications for human health; and shelter medicine and overpopulation solutions.

    • Provides in-depth information on indoor cats and senior cats, including timely guidance on meeting owners' expectations for longer, healthier lives for their cats.

    • Addresses the challenges of pet overpopulation, particularly the impact of millions of feral cats on public health and the environment.

    • Presents information written in the manner of expanded conference proceedings, delivering the latest insights and most current approaches to management of feline medical disorders.

    • Includes contributions from approximately 60 contributors, drawing on the valuable expertise of those most knowledgeable in the field of feline medical care.

    • Bears the full endorsement of the Winn Feline Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports studies about cat health and funds feline research projects worldwide, and is internationally regarded as a major contributor to the health and wellbeing of all cats.

    • The complete contents also are available online through Veterinary Consult.

     Author Information

    By Susan Little, DVM, DABVP (Feline)


    Table of Contents

  • Part 1: Fundamentals of Feline Practice
    A Short Natural History of the Cat and Its Relationship with Humans
    Principles of Feline Behavior
    The Feline Genome and Its Clinical Implications
    Nutrition and Dietetics
    Fluid Therapy
    Laboratory Diagnostics and Test Interpretation
    Guidelines and Precautions for Drug Therapy in Cats
    Anesthesia and Perioperative Care
    Vaccines and Preventive Health Care

  • Part 2: Practice of Feline Medicine : A Systemic Approach
    The Medical History, Physical Examination, and Restraint Techniques
    Infectious Diseases
    Care of the Newborn
    Growth and Development
    Congenital and Inherited Diseases
    Pulmonary Medicine
    Cardiovascular Disease and Hypertension
    Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram
    Digestive System and Liver
    Urinary Tract Disorders
    Hematology and Immune-Related Disorders
    Nutritional Disorders

  • Part 3: Managing the Cat with Co-Existing and Chronic Disease
    Different scenarios of complex disease management, e.g.:
    Hyperthyroidism and CKD
    Hyperthyroidism and diabetes
    Diabetes and obesity
    Diabetes and UTI
    Diabetes and GI disease
    Diabetes and asthma
    Heart failure and CKD
    Pancreatitis and IBD
    CKD and systemic hypertension
    Hepatic lipidosis and stomatitis
    Immune deficiencies/stress and infection
    Chronic Disease Management
    Chronic immunosuppression
    Monitoring long-term therapy
    Managing adverse reactions to therapy
    Palliative medicine/ pain assessment and management
    Quality of Life
    Indoor cat initiative/idiopathic cystitis

  • Part 4: Special Considerations in the Senior Cat
    Feline decline associated with age :What's normal and what's not
    Age associated weight loss and nutritional needs
    Behavioral changes in the aging cat
    Skin and coat problems in the aging cat
    Oral cavity disease
    Feline osteoarthritis
    Environmental enrichment and accommodations for the older cat

  • Part 5: Zoonoses
    Feline zoonotic agents
    Managing zoonotic diseases of cats
    One Health, One Medicine and public health